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HOME-Orthodontic-Metal Bracket

Metal Bracket

Calibration device featuring high precision and efficiency

Strong and durable metal bracket

Metal bracket is the first orthodontic device developed and has been operated for a long time and has proven stability.


Strong durability

It is made of durable stainless steel,
so it won't rust or break easily.


Economical bracket

It is a relatively economical bracket
compared to other brackets.

Key Effects of metal brackets!

This bracket is made of stainless steel, which is durable, does not bend or break easily,
and is easy to maintain as there is no fear of rust.
It has a hard property, allowing precise and efficient calibration.
Although it is less esthetic than other brackets, it has excellent precision and efficiency,
and has excellent corrective power due to good friction.

Recommended target for metal bracket
If you are not worried about bracket exposure If you are looking for a relatively easy-to-manage bracket
For students or children with malocclusion If you want an economical bracket

Address : Dream-CityBLDG 7F, 701 81, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Rep. 1899-0022

Tel. 032-777-1122

Representative Director : Woo Jeong-je

Company Registration Number : 282-09-00454

Copyright ⓒ 2021 SEOULCCHICAGO Dental Hospital. All rights reserved.