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Clippy-C Orthodontic

Self-ligating bracket without rubber rings and fine wires

Self-ligation system Clippy-C Orthodontic

A self-ligation system that fixes the wire without tying it!
The non-fixed wire is free, and the effect of orthodontic treatment is quick with
constant and constant force.


Self-ligation system
Clippy-C orthodontics

Unlike a typical bracket in which the wire is wound aroud the bracket to secure the wire, Teh Clippy-C bracket secures the wire with clips built into the bracket to correct the teeth.


superior esthetics and reduced treatment time

By using the self-ligation system that opens and closes the lid of the bracket,
the pain on the teeth is less and the period of orthodontic treatment can be relatively shortened.


Diagnose the patient's condition after analysis with 3D CT diagnostic radiation equipment.
Analyze the current smile line using a computer analysis program
Decide on orthodontic treatment method and treatment order to create a beautiful smile line

Address : Dream-CityBLDG 7F, 701 81, Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Rep. 1899-0022

Tel. 032-777-1122

Representative Director : Woo Jeong-je

Company Registration Number : 282-09-00454

Copyright ⓒ 2021 SEOULCCHICAGO Dental Hospital. All rights reserved.